
Banks. Stock of shares, participations and primary capital certificates by sector. NOK million
March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014June 2014May 2014April 2014March 2014
Total stock154 591153 221153 610151 671149 733149 121146 719147 971148 715153 840152 811150 592150 307
Non-financial corporations15 13016 06615 35915 43015 24515 60414 65715 06415 27314 94115 59416 53816 554
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government1306564593283194277072717170293476
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government28282928292929292928302924
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises14 72115 30514 79614 99614 81915 07114 48014 89415 10414 76415 39616 12015 956
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises251767677787878696978989698
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........................
Financial corporations86 54686 10585 93384 70185 80885 47685 63687 15686 32485 15084 45680 28680 215
Norges Bank..........................
Banks2 0501 9511 9272 2371 8831 9611 8521 8361 8111 8361 8551 9381 939
Mortgage companies60 10360 06260 22159 86660 15559 91759 79159 59559 34859 50658 88455 22455 510
Finance companies5 2635 2225 2225 2695 2154 9864 9854 9974 9974 9865 1204 6374 107
State lending institutions etc...........................
Financial holding companies3 3103 3273 6723 5793 3383 3163 1563 1583 1573 1573 1933 6083 499
Mutual funds10 1699 7409 4748 55210 03210 39911 05412 69812 22110 93110 86410 4449 901
Investment trusts and private equity funds3 0822 9902 9172 8622 7282 5142 4592 3952 3142 2482 1532 0952 846
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds2 4102 5912 3312 1872 3152 2392 2492 3962 3972 3992 3022 1692 280
Life insurance companies and pension funds10101010111115151515151515
Non-life insurance companies1492121591401301347566637371155117
General government..........................
Central government..........................
Local government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........................
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........................
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........................
Unspecified sector....1........00000..
Rest of the world55 55053 23154 67253 48850 17948 99346 84545 49246 74150 45249 47550 67050 373
General government, abroad..........................
Banks and financial institutions, abroad51 25049 17750 24449 18846 97345 69543 48142 55543 69543 68742 50542 73142 807
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad4 3014 0544 4284 2993 2063 2983 3642 9373 0466 7656 9707 9397 566
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-2 636-2 182-2 354-1 948-1 498-952-4202593773 2973 2863 0983 165