
Graduations in tertiary education in Norway, by academic year, immigration category, sex and field of education. Number and per cent
TotalImmigrantsNorwegian-born to immigrant parentsOther population
Total17 53127 4822 0412 64735547815 13524 357
Humanities and arts1 4662 37919530612331 2592 040
Education1 9925 76213534416641 8415 354
Social sciences and law2 0723 60221035246721 8163 178
Business and administration3 4104 111250423102703 0583 618
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects5 4022 406894446119464 3891 914
Health, welfare and sport2 0848 534259708481891 7777 637
Primary industries11513625230090113
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services9124566036124840416
Unspecified field of study7896139006587
Per cent
Humanities and arts8.48.79.611.
Social sciences and law11.813.110.313.313.
Business and administration19.515.
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects30.88.843.816.833.59.629.07.9
Health, welfare and sport11.931.112.726.713.539.511.731.4
Primary industries0.
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services5.
Unspecified field of study0.