
Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
1st quarter 20142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 2015
Intangible assets6 6995 9085 8576 0375 971
Tangible fixed assets1 2101 2261 2151 2711 306
Land and buildings755741729771775
Machinery, equipment and vehicles455486485500532
Capital investments135 285134 969137 428139 798146 008
Shares, participation and primary capital certificates16 91417 74417 79318 27018 178
Shares in securities' fund27 26128 18730 67830 73934 370
Bonds and certificates89 24087 45186 98988 65191 172
Financial derivatives1 2301 0011 4211 0651 194
Other capital investments6395875471 0721 094
Loans3 6633 7393 9944 3964 088
Reinsurance share of technical provisions15 55114 88513 78013 14414 415
Remaining claims51 62251 40151 67352 01254 176
Insurance claims19 66619 45818 98018 02921 254
Other claims31 95631 94332 69333 98332 922
Cash and bank deposits9 1457 2637 6927 8478 025
Total assets223 174219 390221 639224 504233 989
Liabilities and equity capital
Eqiuty capital45 45048 79749 56848 96947 978
Deposit capital11 88611 74611 69411 86211 982
Company capital4 4174 4174 4174 4674 563
Share premium account3 1043 0102 9742 9732 980
Other deposit capital4 3654 3184 3044 4224 439
Retained earnings33 56437 05137 87437 10735 996
Other equity30 44529 65427 58123 39232 484
Not allocated profit3 1197 39610 29313 7153 512
Subordinated liabilities2522522521 4491 449
Bonds1481481481 3451 345
Other subordinated loans104104104104104
Technical provisions152 785154 061151 635148 951159 889
Gross provision for unearned premium33 44634 34930 68028 07336 385
Gross Provision for outstanding claims85 02783 99784 90784 46685 239
Gross provision for bonuses and rebates108104109121116
Equalization provision32 92534 31734 61734 86736 723
Other technical provision1 2801 2941 3221 4251 426
Provisions for other charges4 0133 6923 8093 6434 400
Provisions for pension2 8612 4342 5652 6523 266
Deffered tax307393278134245
Other provisions for charges845865966858888
Remaning liabilites20 67312 58916 37621 49320 273
Expences accrued925889905997924
Deffered income585246229150
Payable tax1 8487351 6272 7201 701
Dividend6 942372 0053 5814 145
Insurance liabilities4 5893 6914 0605 2195 593
Other liabilities5 5065 9286 8276 8696 846
Financial derivatives8051 2589061 879914
Total libilities223 174219 390221 639224 504233 989
Number of companies8989899090
Loan with morgage on dwelling284287288307302