
Generated waste amounts from construction, rehabilitation and demolition of buildings. Tonnes.
Total, construction activityConstructionRehabilitationDemolition
20111 598 990527 480559 001512 509
20121 879 975615 093702 166562 716
20131 818 896620 526628 600569 770
Wood waste260 452113 81692 20254 435
Paper and cardboard25 76814 1209 9181 730
Plastics5 2873 3551 88943
Glass9 3142 4965 4031 415
Metals86 01521 54740 24524 223
Gypsum67 33036 82428 2862 220
EE-waste9 9672 1335 9641 870
Hazardous waste17 4841 8939 5995 992
Hazardous waste. Asbestos3 11601 3771 739
Hazardous waste. Impregnated wood3 47003 012458
Hazardous waste. Other4 2266362 4411 149
Bricks and concrete and other heavy building materials726 985103 536224 760398 689
Polluted bricks and concrete19 83006 41713 414
Asphalt240 608183 40336 95820 247
Mixed waste325 797132 336151 26342 198
Other waste24 0585 06815 6963 294