
Dental health services, key figures
2014Percentage change
Absolute figures2013 - 20142010 - 2014
Dental health status
Average number of teeth with caries experience per 12-year-old1.00.0-23.1
Average number of teeth with caries experience per 18-year-old4.0-4.8-13.0
SIC-index for 12-year-olds2.7-6.9-18.2
Settled dentist man-years (public and private)4
Settled dental hygienist man-years (public and private)883.202.714.1
dental specialists (public and private)4694.921.4
Prioritised persons examined/treated868 0321.95.0
Children and youth 3-18 years old, examined/treated717 8642.84.5
Elderly, long term ill or disabled in home nursing, examined/treated33 673-2.514.9
Elderly, long term ill or disabled in institution, examined/treated32 416-3.11.7
Paying adult clients, examined/treated203 1243.618.5
2014Percentage change
NOK 10002013 - 20142010 - 2014
Gross operating expenditures, dental health care3 290 8097.019.7
Gross operating expenditures, treatments of patients2 539 1186.915.7
Gross operating expenditures, joint functions751 6917.335.6