
Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. NOK million
1st quarter 20142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
Output, basic values113 467113 627118 472120 515119 714119 823
- Intermediate consumption54 12457 41554 27656 15355 83459 368
= Gross value added59 34356 21264 19664 36263 88060 455
- Consumption of fixed capital20 05420 29520 52920 65519 98920 265
- Compensation of employees paid14 09514 27915 00015 12614 89815 094
- Other taxes on production880880880880894894
+ Other subsidies on production4 6384 6384 6384 6384 6984 698
= Mixed income28 95125 39632 42532 33832 79728 900
+ Compensation of employees352 344353 922354 525355 444366 820368 218
+ Property income26 91134 97524 63527 69523 03030 018
amount due to dividends7 71015 4195 7839 6376 40812 813
- Property income paid30 70430 16930 31429 61327 07427 005
+ Correction for FISIM17 24916 17016 23116 18616 61615 585
= Primary income394 752400 294397 503402 050412 190415 717
+ Pensions and benefits from general government100 440106 449106 821109 151108 549114 806
+ Benefits from pension funds15 39015 43315 45515 45215 79415 853
+ Net current transfers to NPISH11 85511 56411 46112 17112 64412 170
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc160 042160 638160 843161 413165 579165 994
- Contributions to pension funds36 81136 81136 81336 81336 81236 812
- Other current transfers paid, net2 8594 0813 9494 0272 8974 153
= Disposable income322 725332 211329 635336 571343 888351 586
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds21 84921 80921 79021 79323 25523 196
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs304 312321 170328 541334 859321 350336 910
= Saving, net40 26132 85022 88423 50645 79437 872
+ Capital transfers, net-470-470-470-470-470-470
- Investment in non-financial capital22 64921 66820 97721 00621 77422 654
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-)17 14210 7121 4362 03023 54914 748
MEMO: Savings ratio (per cent)
MEMO: Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent)
MEMO: Disposable income excluding dividends315 015316 792323 852326 934337 480338 774
MEMO: Disposable income excluding dividends in 2005 prices270 857277 841273 737278 126282 739286 469
MEMO: Disposable real income in 2005 prices264 391264 950268 939270 167277 470276 029
MEMO: Savings in 2005 prices, net33 74227 43418 97619 39637 65130 858