
Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
2nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance73 182108 199131 02637 92262 225
Gross premiums written49 28169 45292 17126 27649 789
Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-419-600-1 031-297-467
Transfers of premium reserve from other companies24 31939 34739 88611 94312 903
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance48 90174 61492 66130 40143 735
Gross claims payment23 56635 10247 21312 20024 539
Reinsurance share of gross claims payments-110-200-525-110-221
Other appropriations265469770292222
Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies25 18039 24345 20318 01919 195
Net change in technical provisions55 19773 19797 98329 85341 944
Premium reserve41 87356 29772 82717 76933 682
Other technical provisions197-6481 620115-273
To/from revaluation reserve6 6119 02514 2898 5652 190
Means allocated insurance contracts6 5168 5239 2473 4046 346
Other operating income/ costs-2 772-4 439-5 646-1 622-3 088
Commision received74801222135
Operating income, real property2537451122
Other operating income6921 0581 570411808
Personell costs1 4842 2102 6987941 509
Commision submitted445691943244499
Operating costs, real property23401
Depreciations of non-financial assets14929036571143
Other operating costs1 4832 4213 3749541 802
Investment income /costs17 77625 03434 4488 21018 699
Interest income bonds and certificates12 46617 03721 9595 14210 320
Interest income other assets2 5393 9835 6271 2362 771
Share dividend etc.3 3704 8538 1272 1116 176
Interest costs5998391 266279568
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets19 37224 17336 77716 57912 313
Realized gains/losses8 5849 47213 028-2 9354 917
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates6 2708 16120 3305 29310 427
Bonds and certificates1 0219233 1147131 109
Financial derivatives1 196320-10 563-8 744-6 595
Land and buildings133..1
Other realized gains/losses9665143-197-25
Net change in value10 78814 70023 74819 5147 396
Shares, participations and primary capital certificates9 81913 05623 96511 4882 086
Bonds and certificates514-724 490415-1 615
Financial derivatives-1 315-315-8 0635 9144 511
Land and buildings-30-23-17..3
Other net change in value1 8002 0543 3741 6972 410
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities3 4615 1565 9608364 470
Other result components-105-226-550-16127
Total Profitt/loss2 8214 2374 8357603 805
Balance on the technical account for life insurance2 0063 03911 880812 614
Value-adjusted profitt/loss16 44921 78631 04212 48912 462