
Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
2nd quarter 20143rd quarter 20144th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 2015
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance30 68646 84062 92715 60231 934
Gross premiums written44 29658 45974 29826 72545 589
Reinsurers share of gross premiums writtens-6 905-8 540-10 619-4 362-7 468
Gross change in the provision for unearned premiums-8 605-4 030-1 254-8 309-8 186
Reinsurance share1 9019515021 5492 000
Claims incurred and net change in technical provisions22 32132 87642 90111 81123 206
Gross claims payment24 18733 75845 72913 76725 990
Reinsurers share of gross claims payments-4 156-4 721-6 310-2 344-3 814
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims-1 260-282-1 076-571526
Reinsurers share, gross change in the provision for outstanding claims1 9712 3062 709815213
Bonus and rebates151739212
Net change in technical provision1 5651 7981 811142279
Other operating income/ costs-5 447-8 437-11 510-2 911-5 960
Commision received12418023971139
Operating income, real property2233621121
Other operating income1 2311 8272 396368780
Personell costs2 6784 3015 9901 6013 281
Commision submitted1 4452 2172 9608161 601
Operating costs, real property10152149
Depreciations of non-financial assets13220626489176
Other operating costs2 5603 7384 9708501 834
Investment income /costs3 6784 6425 9531 2082 273
Interest income2 0843 0254 1379071 811
Share dividend etc.1 6351 6781 904333524
Interest costs4161873262
Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets2 5003 0914 1692 0291 686
Net realized gains/losses1 6191 8271 9041 1092 670
Net change in value8811 2652 265920-985
Profitt/loss on ordinary activities9 09613 26118 6404 1186 726
Other result components-253-405-571166711
Tax1 4442 5403 3477091 630
Total Profitt/loss7 39910 31514 7223 5755 807
Balance on the technical account for non-life insurance4 2897 24110 8491 2133 309