
Mortgage companies. Loans by industry. NOK million
July 2015June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014
1Due to the main revision of the national accounts in 2014 there is a new definition of Mainland-Norway. Parts of the industry of ‘Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Mining and quarrying’, also a part of the industry of ‘Sea transport abroad’ and ‘Transport via pipelines’ will now be classified under the industry of ‘Transportation and storage’. The shift will basically occur in the period from October to December 2014.
All industries181 898182 880182 200182 242182 573181 870182 922180 658182 685181 543182 387182 169181 527
Agriculture1 4441 4141 3991 3831 3661 3541 360842844846841824804
Fishing and hunting449446448440469466467456458448467465461
Fish farming services488489489488483481483301301301301301301
Mining and quarrying1189190190190236239240213136333
Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas12 2042 4072 4032 4122 3682 5692 5722 7592 9592 9593 0113 2233 223
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas111111..............
Ship and boat building52484945454647202112151515
Electricity and water supply3 0023 6083 5624 7194 7214 5954 5974 7386 9446 9517 1447 1507 152
Water supply, drainage and waste disposal2 4072 3962 3592 3632 4812 5662 5112 4192 8532 8562 8792 8872 847
Real estate development7 4217 2416 9217 7517 7817 8167 6067 7727 8858 0048 0107 9758 798
Building and construction work beyond real estate development4 0624 0484 0113 9833 9353 9133 8853 2763 3062 9872 9812 9853 037
Commodity trade etc2 6202 5712 5742 6002 5852 5842 5912 4032 3772 3122 3133 0303 009
Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines113 19813 48113 68713 15714 04513 89814 51214 29718 00118 01620 00020 64821 162
Transportation and storage136 11636 15536 01636 02636 03735 95336 10735 84530 21830 25029 98828 65228 175
Hotels and restaurants625596630633623631634623584574565571576
Information and communication709705700696693680689662662645618621622
Real estate, renting and business activities87 07489 42488 70487 04986 41487 16487 91888 07689 35988 57587 68887 50086 092
Professional and financial services6 5564 7345 2025 5795 7165 6415 6995 7805 7765 7805 7185 7155 743
Businesslike services3 1402 8202 7962 7492 7502 6452 6682 3522 3282 2462 2092 1332 145
Other service activities9 0609 0168 9678 8988 7537 5567 2757 2037 1877 1697 1276 9536 865