
Banks. Stock of shares, participations and primary capital certificates by sector. NOK million
July 2015June 2015May 2015April 2015March 2015February 2015January 2015December 2014November 2014October 2014September 2014August 2014July 2014
Total stock177 239174 752160 703153 027154 591153 221153 610151 671149 733149 121146 719147 971148 715
Non-financial corporations14 14613 74615 39814 39015 13016 03115 35915 43015 24515 60414 65715 06415 273
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government28697181107130656459328319427707271
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government..........................
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government25252727282829282929292929
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises13 76413 55115 01214 08014 72115 27014 79614 99614 81915 07114 48014 89415 104
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises72741781772517676777878786969
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises..........................
Financial corporations93 56793 01193 41487 48086 54686 10585 93384 70185 80885 47685 63687 15686 324
Norges Bank..........................
Banks2 0732 0722 1082 0482 0501 9511 9272 2371 8831 9611 8521 8361 811
Mortgage companies66 80766 62366 17260 64960 10360 06260 22159 86660 15559 91759 79159 59559 348
Finance companies5 8055 7165 5825 2635 2635 2225 2225 2695 2154 9864 9854 9974 997
State lending institutions etc...........................
Financial holding companies3 5073 4493 4353 3083 3103 3273 6723 5793 3383 3163 1563 1583 157
Mutual funds10 2069 66410 08810 27310 1699 7409 4748 55210 03210 39911 05412 69812 221
Investment trusts and private equity funds2 5552 5343 2693 1943 0822 9902 9172 8622 7282 5142 4592 3952 314
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds2 4892 8422 6432 6242 4102 5912 3312 1872 3152 2392 2492 3962 397
Life insurance companies and pension funds10101010101010101111151515
Non-life insurance companies114100107111149212159140130134756663
General government..........................
Central government..........................
Local government..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Non-profit institutions serving households..........................
Unincorporated enterprises within households..........................
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc...........................
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc...........................
Unspecified sector1111....1........00
Rest of the world70 86169 31453 79253 40555 55053 26654 67253 48850 17948 99346 84545 49246 741
General government, abroad..........................
Banks and financial institutions, abroad56 86355 26540 47939 47951 25049 17750 24449 18846 97345 69543 48142 55543 695
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad13 99814 04913 31313 9264 3014 0904 4284 2993 2063 2983 3642 9373 046
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-1 337-1 320-1 901-2 248-2 636-2 182-2 354-1 948-1 498-952-420259377