
Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Constant 2005-prices. NOK million
1Gross domestic product is measured at market values, while value added by industry is measured at basic values
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs937 985938 252973 547996 4161 031 0201 058 767
Household final consumption expenditure900 447899 039935 317956 610990 4521 016 197
Goods467 691464 071487 530493 525508 587515 190
Services401 794405 326413 351423 568436 382448 887
Direct purchases abroad by resident househols55 17652 32858 88964 45371 53178 784
Direct purchases by non-residents-24 318-23 011-24 424-24 891-25 795-26 504
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs137 56639 06838 35639 84840 70742 559
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen411 992428 971438 300442 571449 460453 851
Final consumption expenditure of central government213 344223 192224 014223 773227 498229 739
Final consumption expenditure of central government,civilian183 829193 440193 639194 016197 916200 568
Final consumption expenditure of central government,defence29 54529 78930 40129 77929 58029 151
Final consumption expenditure of local government198 656205 796214 219218 686221 850224 000
Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)498 091464 296433 449465 426500 789532 256
Extractiom and transport via pipelines105 005108 48998 788109 924126 493150 902
Ocean transport5 8858 5399 82014 4276 155875
Mainland Norway387 285347 184324 941341 337366 627377 096
Industries217 401177 476160 637162 365179 425173 581
Service activities incidential to extraction8 3027 8641 120-5057 0773 615
Other services131 859110 136104 087104 053108 683109 155
Manufacturing and mining39 24027 51822 75224 48125 47024 201
Production of other goods37 82031 85833 03934 86437 17336 362
Dwelling service (households)84 06477 22476 02288 96098 667103 874
General government86 49493 11388 68389 68488 11498 468
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies64 20430 34469 38064 94460 64768 212
Gross capital formation561 568488 087499 927523 885550 704590 801
Final domestic use of goods and services1 911 7281 851 2681 906 8121 958 5792 027 1022 101 670
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks)1 737 6401 713 7751 734 2521 777 5561 844 0351 885 693
Final demand from general government498 512522 057527 154532 423537 869552 205
Total exports869 550833 894839 396832 900844 923827 391
Traditional goods273 268251 499259 867259 627259 161262 411
Crude oil and natural gas385 652379 433353 112333 486335 164313 877
Ships, oil platforms and aircrafts10 9888 2367 12010 8266 6646 575
Services201 553193 004218 326230 362248 013257 054
Total use of goods and services2 777 5472 680 4262 741 6142 786 4252 865 4902 918 457
Total imports675 557608 264658 803684 873706 438741 206
Traditional goods414 683364 589398 268416 725427 459437 143
Crude oil and natural gas7 36411 0828 5077 8548 0488 964
Ships, oil platforms and aircrafts32 08624 64224 28525 89216 31420 312
Services220 837206 686227 134234 023254 921274 503
Gross domestic product, market values12 104 3022 070 1592 082 6202 102 7962 160 5972 182 152
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, market values11 708 9061 681 2231 711 4551 743 9771 809 7491 850 604
Petroleum activities and ocean transport404 821398 222380 494369 939367 236355 044
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway, basic values1 467 9111 441 4081 464 4031 488 9781 546 2821 582 323
Mainland Norway excluding general government1 150 5361 118 3891 133 9291 153 6721 203 8251 238 030
Manufacturing and mining181 520167 299170 830173 695177 129182 917
Production of other goods172 051162 025160 334164 243179 645179 771
Production of other goods797 141789 895804 005816 797846 606875 279
General government317 411322 656329 957334 826342 510345 048
Taxes and subsidies products240 955239 938247 427255 598263 992268 704