
Tax statistics for residents 17 years and older
2014Percentage change in average
Number of persons with amountAverage for persons with amount (NOK)2013 - 20142009 - 2014
Gross income4 059 909426 1003.621.8
Basis for Surtax on Gross income3 921 161411 1003.321.0
Ordinary income after special deduction3 949 951320 6003.724.1
Taxable gross wealth4 043 3921 012 1006.543.3
Debt2 993 312956 3004.126.2
Surtax on gross income958 39826 0007.025.0
Wealth tax572 68923 4004.549.0
Assessed taxes3 637 788119 3002.823.0