
Public meat inspection. Carcasses approved for human consumption. 1st half year. Number of carcasses
PigPoultryCattleSheepGoatHorseOther meat
Corrected 29 October 2015.
1st half year 2005726 13523 463 210167 309125 49912 84984362
1st half year 2006768 06624 729 606163 983132 96513 50470891
1st half year 2007708 66327 625 454158 747139 11612 473676121
1st half year 2008740 80330 339 236160 365142 40314 81761756
1st half year 2009734 53130 372 555152 666130 96114 92474975
1st half year 2010761 19731 186 978146 512138 72714 51565890
1st half year 2011775 05231 336 574149 043137 96012 15973263
1st half year 2012781 18931 776 528142 934142 01311 281570248
1st half year 2013796 70935 039 839148 975136 22512 11259584
1st half year 2014793 50639 133 478143 795141 47812 48729350
1st half year 2015783 01532 797 744136 750135 21314 73417239
1st half year 2015
Østfold55 2075 697 2672 725674242-
Akershus and Oslo30 187859 8582 7551 241987-
Hedmark103 8626 945 9189 0286 8724021320
Oppland58 750298 83218 30713 4561 81628-
Buskerud6 578366 5924 2198 1231 62014-
Vestfold60 4331 567 5721 88094339--
Telemark10 125141 1792 1193 3101 5575-
Aust-Agder5 451143 5571 2982 30217119
Vest-Agder7 423170 5673 5084 175353-
Rogaland228 2056 670 22422 99033 64891920-
Hordaland15 845175 8526 83714 3219121-
Sogn og Fjordane11 724-9 35412 1693 1179-
Møre og Romsdal17 36665 70311 2347 8441 4122-
Sør-Trøndelag13 9903 576 80611 6106 302634-
Nord-Trøndelag109 7086 117 81715 1665 00516113-
Nordland42 648-10 1288 1351 0339-
Troms Romsa5 123-2 4005 3341 56610-
Finnmark Finnmárku390-1 1921 359-1-