
Energy balance for Norway. Preliminary figures. GWh
2014All energy productsCoalCokePetroleum cokeBiofuel and wasteCrude oilGasolineKeroseneMiddle distillatesHeavy fuel oilLPG /NGLNatural gas/LNGOther gasesHydro- and wind energyElectricityDistrict heating
1.1 Primary energy production2 284 50713 0770014 740864 72149 27100096 9901 106 8560138 85200
2 Imports75 9895 9423 5993 9331 85613 8804 8186 41213 08613 2332 8820006 3470
3 Exports2 042 42112 5520649202727 33294 7511 53632 97917 77185 4121 047 3050021 9320
4 International bunkers10 0550000005 8732 5211 660000000
4.1 International marine bunkers4 18100000002 5211 660000000
4.2 International aviation bunkers5 8730000005 87300000000
5 Changes in stocks (+ = net decrease,- = net increase)7 208-19815-12804 5561 789682-9115742500000
6 Total energy supply (1+2-3-4+5)315 2276 2703 6143 15616 394155 825-38 873-315-22 505-6 04014 88559 5520138 852-15 5850
7 Statistical differences (6+8-9-10-12)15 586-13393130507 114-2 0761 5371 1393 1983 931-3600000
8 Transformation5 379-535-8071 856-6 303-148 71147 8827 38976 07010 9602 199-4 61011 113-138 852141 4606 269
8.1 In blast furnaces-484-340-807000000000663000
8.2 In oil refineries6 980001 8560-148 71147 2557 38976 2119 7885 25607 936000
8.3 In thermal power plants-1 7930000000-3500-4 472-28803 0020
8.4 In combined heat and power plants-942-19500-2 589000-270-1-4-1 02204612 433
8.5 In district heating plants-1 038000-3 715000-800-48-135-410-8553 836
8.6 In hydro- and wind power plants0000000000000-138 852138 8520
8.7 Other transformation2 65600000627001 172-3 00803 866000
9 Energy industries own use62 87200000303 08904444 2556 69108 7818
9.1 Crude petroleum and natural gas production53 77400000002 9510044 252006 5710
9.2 Coal mines142000000011300000290
9.3 Petroleum refineries7 2500000000804406 69105070
9.4 Pumping storage power plants1 02900000000000001 0290
9.5 Hydro electric power plants530000003011000005160
9.6 Thermal power plants130000000000000130
9.7 In combined heat and power plants850000000400200790
9.8 District heating plants480000000300000378
10 Losses in transport and distribution10 81600000000007846608 6871 585
12 Final consumption including non-energy use231 3365 8681 8764 70710 090011 0815 53649 3391 72213 11010 9693 9550108 4074 676
12.1 Final energy consumption, excl. non-energy use209 0805 2451 87630210 090011 0815 53649 3391 7221 9084 9423 9550108 4074 676
13 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying66 6615 2431 8732882 8220072 2581 2021 4303 0403 855044 055588
13.1 Mining and quarrying1 365000000469301646006051
13.2 Manufacture of paper and paper products4 5160006800001617811602403 39959
13.3 Food and beverages4 568000480005500239494003 029207
13.4 Manufacture of industrial chemicals16 3882 18545607920012093064471 1903 31707 339148
13.5 Manufacture of iron, steel and ferro-alloys9 5082 2761 30716431000570271047005 1652
13.6 Manufacture of aluminium and other non-ferrous metals20 33800000005101834520019 6457
13.7 Non metallic mineral prod4 7077821101244100003197183395684501 2867
13.8 Other manufacturing5 2700008610023630179120003 589157
14 Transport56 4170001 457010 8024 75536 915347221 3962606980
14.1 Railways and subways8600007000155000006980
14.2 Air transport4 77500000204 75500000000
14.3 Road transport42 2630001 450010 303030 28002218226000
14.4 Coastal shipping8 5190000047906 47934701 2140000
15 Other sectors85 99333145 812028077410 16617245549774063 6544 088
15.1 Fishing4 583000007074 16813800002010
15.2 Agriculture3 576000520311 56304147001 8024
15.3 Households44 6532305 27102003415350101440037 1561 000
15.4 Private and public services, incl defence29 9511014412024242 2843410429974023 2183 085
15.5 Construction3 230000760521 61602476001 2770
16 Non energy use22 25662204 40500000011 2026 0270000
16.1 In manufacture of industrial chemicals17 4280021600000011 1856 0270000
16.2 In other industry4 82762204 1880000001700000
Memo1: Natural gas flared off on oil fields and terminals4 27400000000004 2740000