
Energy commodity balance for Norway. Preliminary figures
2014Coal (1 000 tonnes)Coke (1 000 tonnes)Petroleum coke (1 000 tonnes)Biofuel and waste (1000 tonnes oil equivalents)Crude oil (1 000 tonnes)Gasoline (1 000 tonnes)Kerosene (1 000 tonnes)Middle distillates (1 000 tonnes)Heavy fuel oil (1 000 tonnes)LPG/NGL (1 000 tonnes)Natural gas/LNG (mill. Sm³)Other gas (1 000 tonnes oil equivalentes)1Electricity (GWh)District heating (GWh)2
1Including blast furnace gas, methane, refinery gas and fuel gas.
2District cooling is included.
3Including condensate from crude oil and natural gas production.
4Deliveries in Norwegian harbours to ships in foreign trade irrespective of the ships nationality.
5Losses in transmission lines and the distribution network, cooling, flare burn-off outside the energy sectors.
1 Total production1 67501911 25473 5939 0677457 0221 8078 001112 7991 061142 3276 281
1.1 Primary energy production31 675001 25473 5934 0400007 574112 799000
1.2 Secondary energy production00191005 0277457 0221 80742701 061142 3276 281
2 Imports7614554051581 1813955361 0931 173225006 3470
3 Exports1 6080671761 9017 7701282 7551 5766 670106 730021 9320
4 International bunkers00000049121114700000
4.1 International marine bunkers4000000021114700000
4.2 International aviation bunkers0000004910000000
5 Changes in stocks (+ = net decrease,- = net increase)-252-13038814757-814330000
6 Gross domestic supply (1+2-3-4+5)8034575151 39513 2621 8397195 1421 2711 5906 0691 061126 7426 281
8 Energy converted69102053612 6561 10112866883525647011586712
8.1 In blast furnaces44102000000000000
8.2 In oil refineries000012 6561 101128656835170000
8.3 In thermal power plants00000003004562500
8.4 In combined heat and power plants2500220000200087120
8.5 In district heating plants00031600070414385512
8.6v Other conversion0000000002350000
9 Energy industries own use0000000258034 5105698 7818
9.1 Crude petroleum and natural gas production0000000246004 51006 5710
9.2 Coal mines000000090000290
9.3 Petroleum refineries000000010305695070
9.4 Pumping storage power plants0000000000001 0290
9.5 Hydro electric power plants0000000100005160
9.6 Thermal power plants000000000000130
9.7 In combined heat and power plants000000000000790
9.8 District heating plants000000000000378
10 Losses in transport and distribution500000000008408 6871 585
11 Statistical differences (6-8-9-10-12)-17118310605-17012895284307-37000
12 Final consumption including non-energy use75223748485909094624 1211531 0241 118337108 4074 676
12.1 Final energy consumption, excl. non-energy use6722373185909094624 121153149504337108 4074 676
13 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying6722373024000118910711231032844 055588
13.1 Mining and quarrying00000005801506051
13.2 Manufacture of paper and paper products0005800011601623 39959
13.3 Food and beverages0004000460195003 029207
13.4 Manufacture of industrial chemicals280580670001727351212827 339148
13.5 Manufacture of iron, steel and ferro-alloys2921651730005021405 1652
13.6 Manufacture of aluminium and other non-ferrous metals0000000401446019 6457
13.7 Non metallic mineral prod1001413350002764265841 2867
13.8 Other manufacturing00073000300141203 589157
14 Transport00012408863973 08331214226980
14.1 Railways and subways00010001300006980
14.2 Air transport0000023970000000
14.3 Road transport000123084502 5290219200
14.4 Coastal shipping00000390541310124000
15 Other sectors00149502365849153651663 6544 088
15.1 Fishing0000061348120002010
15.2 Agriculture0004000131001501 8024
15.3 Households0004490162845085037 1561 000
15.4 Private and public services, incl defence0013500351913830623 2183 085
15.5 Construction0006000135019101 2770
16 Non energy use800453000000875614000
16.1 In manufacture of industrial chemicals0022000000873614000
16.2 In other industry80043100000010000
Memo1: Natural gas flared off on oil fields and terminals0000000000436000