
Energy accounts. Use of energy goods outside the energy sectors. Preliminary figures.1
2014Coal (1 000 tonnes)Coke (1 000 tonnes)2Biofuel and waste (1 000 tonnes oil equivalentes)3Gas and LPG (1 000 tonnes oil equivalentes)4Gasoline (1 000 tonnes)Kerosene (1 000 tonnes)Middle distillates (1 000 tonnes)Heavy fuel oil (1 000 tonnes)5Electricity (GWh)District heating (GWh)
1Includes energy goods used for non-energy purposes
2Including petrol coke
3Including biofuels
4Natural gas, fuel gas and methane
5Including waste oil, paint and varnish etc.
All industries7958238592 3959091 3514 982883108 4074 676
Agriculture, forestry and fishing--41381501122 0034
Metal ore mining and other mining and quarrying--05006306051
Manufacture7958212412 1802016410743 793611
Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco--462005703 029207
Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather products--010-1-960
Wood and wood products--683009-67562
Paper and paper products--58140-2163 39959
Printing and reproduction--010-0-17122
Manufacture of industrial chemicals28080671 8840019277 339148
Manufacture of chemical products and products of mineral oil, coal, rubber and plastic--392017-6492
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster9323240-163263-
Manufacture of other mineral products-10130-2-1940
Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys3352843510---5 1652
Aluminium production-930550-5-18 2385
Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals-0010-1-1 4071
Casting of iron and steel--020-0-105-
Repair, installation of machinery--00000034225
Manufacture of engineering products, other industrial products87362580005012 72176
Water supply------2---
Construction--822190213-1 277-
Wholesale and retail trade, accommodation and food services--212430122-5 464485
Transportation, storage and communication--77124281 2863 0587611 91077
Rail transport, scheduled bus transport etc.--6170-128-698-
Taxi operation--125-27---
Other transport by road--70-17-1 530---
Ocean transport---1--1 019730--
Coastal transport---103--32731--
Air transport----21 286----
Services related to transport--001024-642-
Postal and telecommunication services--003-4-57177
Financing, insurance, business services and other private services01363848738 5281 105
General government--342103254-7 6711 391
Private households004891276928719-37 1561 000