
Use of pesticides on area of different crops, by type of pesticide.1
Total area. Decares2Per cent of area sprayed with
HerbicidesFungicidesInsecticidesGrowth regulatorsOther products3
1Refers to area sprayed minimum one time.
2Refers to area on holdings with conventional production
3Other products includes defoliants and products for control of crested wheat grass
Barley1 243 5929370103319
Oats689 395921443113
Oil seeds40 766382265-11
Potato122 855969559-83
Onion6 3681009965-8
Carrot13 829897360--
Strawberry16 686778285-11
Apple12 948588475::
Meadows for mowing and pastures6 251 7696----
Spring wheat564 4019684282213
Winter wheat203 610968821667
Common cabbage4 014822789--