
Principal figures for enterprises, by industry1
Enterprises2Employed personsTurnoverProduction valueTotal purchases of goods and servicesWages and salariesGross investment in tangible goods
Number ofNOK million
1Final figures for last year and preliminary figures for the current reference year.
2The population for preliminary figures is based on register information only, and number of enterprises will be somewhat higher than for final figures.
05, 07, 08, 09.9, 10-33 Manufacturing, mining and quarrying17 95417 675240 333241 570741 030792 563694 786742 726538 394584 777114 907118 86422 61523 374
05, 07, 08, 09.9 Mining and quarrying6816844 9074 78914 22914 32814 02614 1389 1369 4742 4382 4191 4241 385
10-33 Manufacturing17 27316 991235 426236 781726 801778 236680 759728 589529 258575 303112 469116 44421 19121 989
10-12 Food, beverages and tobacco2 0712 11950 15350 226175 378193 257164 860181 961133 450149 92520 20520 9386 1557 086
13-15 Textiles, wearing apparel, leather1 4851 4834 4784 4347 1337 4686 3616 6514 6644 9421 4531 488168200
16 Wood and wood products1 8411 76713 52513 31725 72326 84323 27124 25218 37919 8655 0035 013942844
17 Paper and paper products70663 1182 7658 5248 1638 2887 9296 6446 1891 3551 252254204
18 Printing, reproduction1 1511 0856 1305 69910 1299 7889 7599 4315 9905 8452 5852 468382414
19-21 Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.25424412 47812 63061 83366 61359 23263 82945 63649 4637 1257 0913 2633 168
22-23 Rubber, plastic, mineral prod.1 0601 02915 92515 92541 75644 85539 50442 50729 20731 4087 3027 7721 6111 537
24 Basic metals1231099 4399 01970 87278 86755 24061 07860 89167 8665 1634 6441 7621 751
25 Fabricated metal products2 4002 37024 17724 32145 43545 16842 88042 57827 50528 67811 05211 4331 0711 384
26-27 Computer and electrical equipment67664314 54214 69239 52242 52637 46340 34425 68427 8148 3898 692545640
28 Machinery and equipment1 1751 12022 69723 22789 21399 26488 01898 10566 40372 95613 35014 4761 3521 178
29-30 Transport equipment n.e.c, except 30.11521544 1034 2929 46810 6699 16410 3746 6337 2531 9232 064361323
30.1 Ships, boats and oil plattforms43343226 60027 77285 84287 47384 67986 28762 61766 47514 59415 5001 6611 536
31-32 Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.1 9871 9339 2548 92414 35414 29013 01412 9428 8469 1593 3433 312307293
33 Repair, installation of machinery2 3952 43718 80719 53841 62242 99139 02540 32026 70827 4669 62610 3001 3581 432