
Banks. Types of loans. NOK million
September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015
Total loans3 116 7453 033 9823 050 9793 062 982
Non-financial corporations1 071 5001 062 1121 049 8571 053 276
Financial corporations254 745266 721286 270293 821
General government15 62015 63217 65012 650
Non-profit institutions serving households12 56112 49912 43412 375
Households1 301 5561 297 6331 292 4861 278 508
¬ Employees1 192 5591 189 2281 183 6641 170 504
Rest of the world466 151384 459397 630417 884
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-5 387-5 073-5 347-5 531
Credit lines, secured on dwellings180 808181 871181 088181 206
Non-financial corporations710651651686
Financial corporations18181719
General government2222
Non-profit institutions serving households11182024
Households179 516180 632179 844179 893
¬ Employees172 429173 657172 864172 970
Rest of the world551550554582
Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 002 837999 629995 792983 756
Non-financial corporations73 87073 88173 60174 551
Financial corporations527542558511
General government92929398
Non-profit institutions serving households2 0882 0592 0612 085
Households923 699920 478916 953903 936
¬ Employees866 568863 265859 314846 598
Rest of the world2 5622 5762 5252 573
Other repayment loans1 629 2501 551 1111 578 0791 595 722
Non-financial corporations831 915828 606821 614817 835
Financial corporations197 889209 538225 780230 805
General government14 22714 13816 52911 799
Non-profit institutions serving households9 2139 2259 1879 175
Households140 776139 682138 821138 264
¬ Employees102 414101 742100 792100 562
Rest of the world435 230349 922366 147387 844
Overdraft, working capital facility and consumer credit (incl. Discount credit)240 455240 156236 836240 498
Non-financial corporations105 978102 05498 668102 384
Financial corporations56 25656 57759 86562 445
General government1 2621 362990714
Non-profit institutions serving households301280294279
Households48 86748 48548 63347 806
¬ Employees44 23943 87044 08443 394
Rest of the world27 79131 39728 38526 870
House building loans and other building loans68 78266 28864 53167 332
Non-financial corporations59 02756 91955 32257 818
Financial corporations56465041
General government37383637
Non-profit institutions serving households948916871811
Households8 6988 3558 2338 609
¬ Employees6 9106 6946 6116 979
Rest of the world17141916