
Banks. Deposits by depositor sector and type of deposit. NOK million
September 2015August 2015July 2015June 2015
Total deposits3 300 0753 384 9173 329 3743 193 682
Non-financial corporations623 154624 331636 877616 321
Financial corporations182 954199 303177 799200 821
General government114 471111 257132 469125 656
Non-profit institutions serving households64 97566 24964 89265 214
Households1 070 6661 076 6561 077 2491 086 860
¬ Employees1 025 4441 031 0361 032 5891 042 530
Rest of the world1 243 4761 306 7621 239 7341 098 474
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value379358354336
Transaction deposits2 143 1572 130 7412 157 6752 082 789
Non-financial corporations523 691514 619531 994507 355
Financial corporations127 321141 053131 191143 589
General government96 56887 354114 190105 253
Non-profit institutions serving households51 28251 71150 74950 908
Households958 367965 928967 153976 622
¬ Employees916 695923 863925 971935 873
Rest of the world385 929370 076362 399299 062
Deposits with agreed maturity up to one month438 196498 110476 484381 348
Non-financial corporations8 7118 3568 2487 948
Financial corporations4 9418 8283 49411 303
General government3 0682 9823 0813 015
Non-profit institutions serving households1 5881 6101 6211 604
Households17 44517 81117 68018 109
¬ Employees16 76317 15317 01617 441
Rest of the world402 443458 524442 361339 369
Tax deduction accounts24 72642 70823 88833 420
Non-financial corporations14 67124 94913 99321 111
Financial corporations1 5622 7451 5182 449
General government7 22013 0777 1508 253
Non-profit institutions serving households8221 3327581 014
¬ Employees93122102115
Rest of the world10713097118
Deposits related to pension schemes934934930935
Non-financial corporations21212121
Financial corporations6666
General government0000
Non-profit institutions serving households0000
¬ Employees839839835840
Rest of the world5555
Deposits with yield based on stock exchange yield183165180216
Non-financial corporations20182517
Financial corporations54411
General government4556
Non-profit institutions serving households37556397
¬ Employees112787880
Rest of the world3344
Home savings scheme for young people38 97638 89938 76638 659
Non-financial corporations........
Financial corporations........
General government........
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Households38 71838 65538 52538 413
¬ Employees38 43338 37238 24338 132
Rest of the world258244240246
Deposits on other terms653 524673 002631 098655 978
Non-financial corporations76 03976 36882 59679 869
Financial corporations49 11846 66841 58543 463
General government7 6117 8388 0449 129
Non-profit institutions serving households11 24711 54111 69911 590
Households54 77952 80752 54452 257
¬ Employees52 51050 60850 34550 050
Rest of the world454 730477 780434 629459 670