
Stocks of listed shares registered with the VPS, by holding sector. Market value. NOK million
4th quarter 20141st quarter 20152nd quarter 20153rd quarter 2015
Total1 788 8281 912 2671 912 5691 751 677
Non-financial corporations221 987225 001222 218224 004
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government0000
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government4 4011 3391 4001 378
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government1111
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government981038890
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises215 900221 922219 061220 945
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises96929080
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises1 4911 5441 5771 509
Financial corporations193 594198 470197 566181 261
Norges Bank0000
Banks8 8867 1637 8147 668
Mortgage companies0000
Finance companies2210
State lending institutions etc.5554
Financial holding companies75716781
Mutual funds94 85196 41397 67690 179
Investment trusts and private equity funds664631671630
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds59 30664 96762 60256 880
Life insurance companies and pension funds25 80025 42125 16122 488
Non-life insurance companies4 0053 7973 5693 331
General government630 634692 548686 168611 245
Central government624 986686 153679 923604 932
Local government5 6486 3956 2456 313
Non-profit institutions serving households24 75627 91828 19124 012
Households64 66069 60769 03063 574
Unincorporated enterprises within households25303328
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.0000
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.64 63569 57768 99763 546
Rest of the world652 784698 485709 169647 384
Unspecified sector413239227197