
Accounting figures for non-financial foundations1
All foundationsNon-profit foundations
NOK millionPer centNOK millionPer cent
201320142013 - 2014201320142013 - 2014
1Figures for 2013 are revised. Updated figures can be found in the StatBank source table.
Income statement
Operating income41 99343 1412.725 91227 2705.2
Operating profit4 0103 190-20.41 0211 29326.6
Net profit8 1525 667-30.51 0831 39428.7
Balance sheet
Fixed assets89 09592 5923.918 73319 4383.8
Current assets51 71854 5275.415 87215 488-2.4
Equity109 145114 5114.919 21018 997-1.1
Liabilities31 38532 5453.715 27315 9114.2
Per centPercentage pointsPer centPercentage points
Key figures
Equity ratio77.577.80.355.554.4-1.1
Current ratio5.295.390.102.512.40-0.11
Number of enterprises7 3857 254-1312 6622 465-197