
Investments. Estimated investments next year, by division and and main industrial groupings. NOK million1
Estimated investmentsChange in NOK million and per cent
201520162016 / 20152016 / 2016
Collected in Q4 the previous yearCollected in Q3 the previous yearCollected in Q4 the previous yearDif.2Per cent2Dif.3Per cent3
1The levels of aggregation refers to the Standard of Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
2Change from previous year in estimated investments, collected in Q4 in the previous year.
3Change in estimated investments for the next year, collected in Q3 in the previous year and Q4 in the previous year.
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec231 825227 513219 352-12 473-5-8 161-4
Extraction and pipeline transport188 570181 183170 960-17 610-9-10 223-6
Extraction of oil and natural gas183 718178 302169 120-14 598-8-9 182-5
Pipeline transport4 8522 8811 840-3 012-62-1 041-36
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying18 66820 00221 7623 094171 7609
Mining and quarrying805647710-95-126310
Manufacturing17 86219 35521 0523 190181 6979
Food, beverages and tobacco4 1033 5703 859-244-62898
Food products3 6693 2653 520-149-42558
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather12212219068566856
Wood and wood products7026649352333327141
Paper and paper products473152141-332-70-11-7
Printing, reproduction226146187-39-174128
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac3 0365 3205 6862 650873667
Basic chemicals1 4983 1753 5682 07013839312
Rubber, plastic and mineral prod.1 4141 0751 038-376-27-37-3
Basic metals3 1214 8644 8771 75656130
Non-ferrous metals2 1004 3684 3672 267108-10
Fabricated metal products826647679-147-18325
Computer and electrical equipment1 097800961-136-1216120
Machinery and equipment1 308864929-379-29658
Ships, boats and oil platforms3272734601334118768
Transport equipment n.e.c3123595552437819655
Repair, installation of machinery637368429-208-336117
Furniture and manufacturing n.e.c.157133125-32-20-8-6
Electricity, gas and steam24 58826 32826 6302 04283021
Production of electricity7 2868 7218 19390712-528-6
Transmission and distr. of electricity15 70616 39116 9601 25485693
District heating and gas1 5961 2171 477-119-726021
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods10 16212 36913 2363 074308677
Capital goods3 0862 2862 834-252-854824
Consumer goods4 5253 7594 309-216-555015
Durable consumer goods163145146-17-1011
Non-durable consumer goods4 3623 6144 163-199-554915
Energy goods214 052209 098198 973-15 079-7-10 125-5