
Emissions to air of PAHs and dioxins, by industry
PAH (kg)PAH-4 (kg)Dioxins (mg)
All industries and households85 5257 79824 404
Emissions from international air and ocean transport4 43411011 012
International air transport - Norwegian airlines50051
International ocean transport - Norwegian operated ships2 798706 996
Emissions from Norwegian territory81 0917 68813 392
Agriculture and forestry1 61213046
Fiske og fangst578151 432
Mining and quarrying243815
Oil and gas extraction642141 667
Service activities incidental to oil and gas2345390
Food products, beverages and tobacco products50420
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather100
Wood and wood products, except furniture, paper and paper products907407
Printing and reproduction of recorded media100
Refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products, pharmaceutical products1 000136511
Rubber and plastic products, non-metallic mineral products2 278111679
Basic metals31 2584 5511 560
Fabricated metal products, machinery and equipment2212
Building of ships and boats and other transport equipment1219
Furniture and other manufacturing206
Repair and installation of machinery and equipment1511
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply1 28424742
Water supply, sewerage and waste management993223
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of mot.veh.2412715
Accommodation and food service activities1322
Post and telecommunications2021
Information and communication, except telecommuncations1011
Financial and insurance activities201
Real estate activities2331
Other service activities62117164
Transport via pipelines...
Other transport7 7037471 703
Human health and social work activities7111
Public administration and defence903186
Households33 8271 8847 492