
Acquisition and sale of fixed assets, by type of capital. NOK million1
1Gross fixed capital formation = acquisition - sale of fixed assets.
Fixed assets, total20 3151 081
Water power plants6139
Waterfall rights231
Waterway regulations5908
Hydro-electric power stations4 351271
Building construction, hydro-electric power stations2 05875
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, hydro-electric power stations2 292196
Thermal power plants2070
Building construction, thermal power plants890
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, thermal power plants1180
Windpower plants29011
Building construction, windpower plants1211
Permanent mechanical and electrical equipment, windpower plants2780
Transmission systems10 550364
Central grid systems4 101172
Regional grid systems2 15470
Local grid systems4 296122
District heating15611
Production plants611
Distribution systems9410
Other, district heating10
Other fixed assets, total4 149416
Control centers389
Street and road lighting23
Motor vehicles and other transport equipment22674
Construction machinery593
Office equipment298105
Offices and premises25885
Dwellings for employees35
Other property1 64314
Construction roads2012
Fixed assets, other76761