
Investments by cost category and the point in time for the estimation. Extraction of oil and natural gas and pipeline transport. NOK million
Estimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investmentsEstimates made in May in the year of investmentsEstimates made in August in the year of investmentsEstimates made in Novenber in the year of investmentsAccrued investment costsEstimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investments
Extraction and pipeline transport182 420185 256188 570189 049190 095193 021192 801189 598184 902181 183170 960163 913
Total extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas177 516180 410183 718183 722185 373188 724188 312185 217182 022178 302169 120162 121
Exploration and concept studies33 33132 21831 69925 93927 23029 49929 37828 69836 88433 26221 52216 024
Field development56 33154 97857 61467 78357 95958 72359 72759 45159 52959 30559 97658 928
Commodities26 74928 50428 08838 89031 27531 97632 19731 59934 38935 51734 15032 144
Services11 0369 69711 09310 30214 40914 54615 20415 06613 27412 20113 72515 002
Production drilling18 54516 77718 43318 59112 27412 20112 32712 78611 86711 58712 10111 782
Fields on stream75 44878 66978 55472 23180 76281 66481 39981 02669 12169 39570 65871 290
Commodities6 8608 6808 2167 8447 7517 6617 0676 2545 5945 7036 6865 919
Services23 99323 23323 43721 24420 85122 51622 47022 18313 87115 41816 74016 763
Production drilling44 59546 75646 89143 14352 16051 48751 86252 58949 65548 27347 23248 609
Onshore activities4 5494 5354 1855 3585 5085 9585 9755 0124 3114 5704 5914 742
Shutdown and removal7 85710 01111 67612 41013 91412 88111 83411 03012 17711 77012 37411 138
Transport via pipelines4 9054 8464 8525 3284 7224 2974 4894 3822 8802 8811 8401 792