
Persons killed or injured in road traffic accidents, by degree of injury, sex and accident type.
January 2016
AccidentsKilledAll injuredSeverely injured
All accidentsFatal accidentsBoth sexesMalesFemalesBoth sexesMalesFemalesTotalMalesFemales
Type of accident total359121410468740328417710
 A. Rear end collision4700001126547000
 B. Other accidents with vehicles going in the same direction800001679000
 C. Head-on collision when overtaking10000716000
 D. Other head-on accidents70810641619071808
 E. Turning150000341816000
 F. Crossing directions of travel350000693831000
 G. Pedestrian crossing carriageway201110281612110
 H. Pedestrian walking in or along carriageway1000001468101
 I. Sledges etc. involved00000000000
 J. Single vehicle off the road109222016510560550
 K. Single vehicle overturning in carriageway. Collision with animal, parked vehicles etc.900001284000
 L. Other accidents351110694920211