
Investments by cost category and the point in time for the estimation. Extraction of oil and natural gas and pipeline transport. NOK million
Estimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investmentsEstimates made in May in the year of investmentsEstimates made in August in the year of investmentsEstimates made in Novenber in the year of investmentsAccrued investment costsEstimates made in May in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in August in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in November in the year before the investment yearEstimates made in February in the year of investments
Extraction and pipeline transport188 436184 836175 243167 739165 906000153 218000
Total extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas185 556181 955173 243165 947164 530000150 679000
Exploration and concept studies40 41836 91525 80419 85022 29900026 699000
Field development59 52959 30559 97658 92855 90400047 067000
Commodities34 38935 51734 15032 14434 98400026 275000
Services13 27412 20113 72515 00212 39500012 173000
Production drilling11 86711 58712 10111 7828 5250008 619000
Fields on stream69 12169 39570 65871 29070 61700062 692000
Commodities5 5945 7036 6865 9195 5030005 155000
Services13 87115 41816 74016 76316 04000011 620000
Production drilling49 65548 27347 23248 60949 07300045 917000
Onshore activities4 3114 5704 5914 7424 0400003 082000
Shutdown and removal12 17711 77012 37411 13811 67000011 139000
Transport via pipelines2 8802 8811 8401 7921 3770002 539000