
Investments. Collected in Q2. Per cent and NOK million1
Estimates collected in Q2 the same year
2016 / 201520152016
1Values at current prices
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec-9.9240 239216 455
Extraction and pipeline transport-14.8194 773165 906
Manufacturing13.919 78022 524
Mining and quarrying-24.8904680
Electricity, gas and steam10.324 78327 345
Estimates collected in Q2 the previous year
2017 / 201620162017
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec-14.6234 798200 633
Extraction and pipeline transport-18.7188 436153 218
Manufacturing-8.818 19816 600
Mining and quarrying-34.3630414
Electricity, gas and steam10.427 53330 402