
Construction. Principal figures, by industry subclass. Enterprises12
EnterprisesEmployment (persons)Compensation of employees (mill. NOK)Turnover (mill. NOK)Produksjonsverdi (mill. kr)Bearbeidingsverdi (mill. kr)3Bruttoinvesteringer (mill. kr)
1VAT is not included.
2Only private sector, state enterprises, state-owned enterprises, municipal business undertakings and independent council enterprises are included.
3Factor cost.
Sum Section F
201354 064218 529101 444.3431 720.6429 478.0140 606.410 164.6
201455 150225 776107 000.9456 315.6452 091.0148 062.29 135.7
41 Construction of buildings
201322 45278 72636 138.1218 978.7217 996.555 989.95 819.7
201423 12780 81938 157.8230 389.8227 864.057 930.55 025.7
41.1 Development of building projects
20135 2774 9543 304.561 771.460 637.313 349.94 105.6
20145 7165 2863 573.164 366.162 798.513 281.42 789.7
41.2 Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
201317 17573 77232 833.6157 207.3157 359.242 640.01 714.1
201417 41175 53334 584.7166 023.6165 065.544 649.12 236.1
42 Civil engineering
201391113 2538 298.335 774.235 700.010 630.4880.2
201494514 2339 024.238 422.438 420.211 830.7745.1
42.1 Construction of roads and railways
20133638 0415 262.025 175.925 103.86 753.6606.0
20143829 0406 014.627 291.227 291.97 664.5445.3
42.2 Construction of utility projects
20134054 4132 616.58 792.48 794.53 320.0225.9
20144244 3782 581.39 222.79 219.73 590.9252.2
42.9 Construction of other civil engineering projects
2013143799419.81 806.01 801.7556.848.4
2014139815428.21 908.51 908.6575.447.6
43 Specialised construction activities
201330 701126 55057 007.8176 967.7175 781.573 986.03 464.7
201431 078130 72459 819.0187 503.4185 806.878 300.93 364.9
43.1 Demolition and site preparation
20136 74124 93210 958.844 681.844 663.115 781.11 505.8
20146 99326 80912 028.749 196.049 070.117 136.31 607.7
43.2 Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
20138 01557 06529 473.679 902.378 878.834 968.2788.7
20148 03457 97530 489.583 385.482 300.736 901.4779.4
43.3 Building completion and finishing
201310 28021 2426 345.920 933.720 768.79 687.4319.9
201410 42122 1516 615.721 763.521 327.99 964.6306.6
43.9 Other specialised construction activities
20135 66523 31110 229.531 449.931 470.913 549.3850.3
20145 63023 78910 685.133 158.533 108.114 298.6671.1