
Port calls by register and maritime coastal area, vessels registered in NIS and NOR1
Norwegian registersNorwegian International Ship Register (NIS)The Norwegian Ship Register (NOR)
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All maritime coastal areas58 915813 674 64623 453548 935 98735 462264 738 659
Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen32 007220 420 3581 71615 818 95630 291204 601 402
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen4 80874 286 1942 94927 618 7551 85946 667 439
N Cont Europe3 47652 691 1332 87950 887 5255971 803 608
UK/Eire5 10831 964 1312 91723 326 1432 1918 637 988
Iberian Atlantic50713 243 83144412 854 96863388 863
S Europe77130 656 30570030 286 84071369 465
Black Sea2786 967 0082706 948 281818 727
E Mediterranean1235 231 9461065 155 3611776 585
N Africa54211 463 41539710 904 431145558 984
W Africa73411 662 21571511 577 4641984 751
S & E Africa31212 347 93430212 249 1401098 794
Red Sea1849 261 2261849 261 22600
Persian Gulf59824 199 82159824 199 82100
Indian Sub Continent33612 101 75833512 100 31411 444
Far East - Asean86730 203 30585930 088 1168115 189
Far East - China Sea1 57364 694 4091 56564 362 3238332 086
Japan54027 160 54154027 160 54100
Australasia87318 828 48876818 219 202105609 286
N America - Pacific57520 615 24057520 615 24000
S America - Pacific2365 859 9772325 840 369419 608
S America - Atlantic1 50330 369 6461 48030 268 90423100 742
Caribbean40512 631 03738112 522 96524108 072
Central America50517 974 61649217 862 53813112 078
US Gulf1 36436 800 0951 36436 800 09500
US Atlantic61129 962 47460629 928 926533 548
Great Lakes - Canada792 077 543792 077 54300