
Statistics on turnover for the construction, by county. Turnover exclusive value added tax. NOK million and per cent
6th period 20146th period 20156th period 2014 - 6th period 2015
The whole country78 84782 6174.8
Østfold4 2734 6799.5
Akershus7 3428 51215.9
Oslo14 11513 790-2.3
Hedmark2 6162 7595.5
Oppland2 6872 8686.7
Buskerud5 1575 3654.0
Vestfold3 2393 3262.7
Telemark2 0662 1453.8
Aust-Agder1 2441 44215.9
Vest-Agder2 8353 0457.4
Rogaland7 7437 402-4.4
Hordaland7 7768 2215.7
Sogn og Fjordane1 5381 6144.9
Møre og Romsdal3 4863 481-0.1
Sør-Trøndelag4 5994 9627.9
Nord-Trøndelag1 6171 80711.8
Nordland3 3233 3992.3
Troms Romsa2 1312 48516.6
Finnmark Finnmárku1 0601 31524.1