
International transports for hire or reward and own account, to and from Norway, cabotage and cross trade. Tonnage carried and transport performance1
International transport, totalFrom NorwayTo NorwayCabotageCross-trade
1Figures for transport of goods are slightly modified in the StatBank for 1st quarter 2014. The changes are moderate, and influence most on figures showing transport from Norway to abroad. Therefore, some figures in the text chapter may deviate from the new figures in the StatBank.
Tonnage carried (1 000 tonnes)
20125 311.43 079.52 137.455.039.5
20135 609.53 328.11 929.5303.248.8
20145 007.13 085.01 825.452.943.8
20154 707.32 833.91 759.972.541.0
3rd quarter 20141 165.9706.7448.2::
4th quarter 20141 242.1759.8433.0::
1st quarter 20151 041.8596.7422.5::
2nd quarter 20151 183.3719.0449.9::
3rd quarter 20151 244.0764.5424.6::
4th quarter 20151 238.2753.7462.9::
Transport performances (mill. tonne-km)
20123 186.91 789.51 345.618.033.8
20132 965.61 697.31 128.468.171.7
20142 432.11 313.41
20152 673.91 476.81 137.537.322.4
3rd quarter 2014626.9334.4287.1::
4th quarter 2014562.6266.5276.6::
1st quarter 2015582.2324.7240.8::
2nd quarter 2015765.2414.2347.6::
3rd quarter 2015621.4332.4262.1::
4th quarter 2015705.1405.5287.0::