
Graduations in higher education in Norway. Sex, level and field of education
1Including graduations from programmes 4 years or less but also 2 years or longer.
2Including graduations from programmes longer than 4 years
3Doctoral degrees
Level of degree and field of education
Total45 01317 53127 48245 80017 84327 957
Tertiary education, short and medium130 40211 24419 15831 07411 40819 666
Humanities and arts2 3988851 5132 3669171 449
Education6 7091 7554 9546 6271 7744 853
Social sciences and law2 9881 1151 8732 8169801 836
Business and administration4 7642 1272 6375 0922 2272 865
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects4 0993 0521 0474 4053 1491 256
Health, welfare and sport7 9771 3836 5948 1751 3586 817
Primary industries12162591607486
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services1 1747883861 282859423
Unspecified field of study17277951517081
Tertiary education, long213 1695 5577 61213 3195 7597 560
Humanities and arts1 3105237871 443571872
Education1 0032307731 3432801 063
Social sciences and law2 5208811 6392 4689471 521
Business and administration2 7221 2601 4622 3711 2211 150
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects3 1341 9741 1603 2082 0101 198
Health, welfare and sport2 1655181 6472 2195711 648
Primary industries13053771235964
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services1851186714410044
Unspecified field of study000---
Doctoral studies31 4427307121 407676731
Humanities and arts13758791447074
Social sciences and law166769017869109
Business and administration352312382414
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects575376199535330205
Health, welfare and sport476183293456169287
Primary industries000---
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services9631156
Unspecified field of study211---