
Graduations in higher education in Norway. Sex, immigration category and field of education. Numbers and per cent
TotalImmigrantsNorwegian-born to immigrant parentsOther population
Total17 84327 9572 1682 77440852915 26724 654
Humanities and arts1 5582 39521133823281 3242 029
Education2 0635 95212837625581 9105 518
Social sciences and law1 9963 46621935132691 7453 046
Business and administration3 4724 0292933981191163 0603 515
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects5 4892 659930485129484 4302 126
Health, welfare and sport2 0988 752287764712061 7407 782
Primary industries1331502422--109128
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services964473652594890444
Unspecified field of study70811115--5966
Per cent
Humanities and arts8.78.69.712.
Social sciences and law11.212.410.112.77.813.011.412.4
Business and administration19.514.413.514.329.221.920.014.3
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects30.89.542.917.531.
Health, welfare and sport11.831.313.227.517.438.911.431.6
Primary industries0.
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services5.
Unspecified field of study0.