
Imports of food and beverages, by commodity groups (SITC) and selected trade areas1
NOK MillionChange in per cent
2013201420152014 - 2015
1Food and beverages principally according to the definition of the WTO ( and is defined as the sum total of commodity groups 0,11,22 and 4 in the nomenclature of SITC.
Total46 98750 48156 04811.0
EU29 33631 03133 6938.6
Developing countries11 94313 18414 51710.1
Other countries5 7076 2667 83725.1
Food and live animals
Total35 28038 32442 23410.2
EU22 38323 79125 9369.0
Developing countries9 39010 51911 2306.8
Other countries3 5074 0145 06826.2
Total4 7575 2535 6207.0
EU4 2534 6274 8885.7
Developing countries20723126012.2
Other countries29839547219.5
Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes
Total5 1375 1696 30822.0
EU2 5532 4422 73111.8
Developing countries1 0821 1961 74045.5
Other countries1 5031 5301 838368.1
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
Total1 8131 7361 8868.6
Developing countries1 2651 2371 2874.1
Other countries40032747745.8