
Mortgage companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
December 2015January 2016February 2016March 2016
Notes and divisionary coin0000
Loans to and claims on financial institutions53 89058 19163 06662 583
Loans to and claims on customers1 528 7671 543 1951 549 5851 567 169
Certificates and bonds260 597243 476237 441216 763
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.373373373373
Financial derivatives176 562154 638194 327152 373
Intangible assets387384524529
Durable operating equipment25232220
Other assets9 72310 01310 22310 614
Total assets2 030 3232 010 2942 055 5612 010 424
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt1 518 2011 502 6901 519 8991 486 835
Other loans299 315292 538287 446298 384
Financial derivatives52 91054 07985 94362 271
Other liabilities35 17233 88433 55034 911
Subordinated loan capital12 77412 15412 18312 131
Total liabilities1 918 3731 895 3441 939 0211 894 532
Share and owner share capital30 92330 97331 22331 833
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)43 96744 60344 59144 309
Earned equity capital26 87438 32538 40037 541
Undistributed profit10 1861 0492 3262 209
Total equity111 950114 950116 540115 892
Total liabilities and equity2 030 3232 010 2942 055 5612 010 424