
Banks. Stock of shares, participations and primary capital certificates by sector. NOK million
December 2015January 2016February 2016March 2016
Total stock197 566195 240194 785192 997
Non-financial corporations14 33614 69413 57913 364
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government664833553398
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government........
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government25252549
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises13 57313 76312 92912 847
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises74747271
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises........
Financial corporations94 15294 19494 647108 640
Norges Bank........
Banks1 9942 0142 0262 889
Mortgage companies70 08970 16270 38170 548
Finance companies6 0576 0706 04718 916
State lending institutions etc.........
Financial holding companies3 9173 8573 8243 745
Mutual funds7 1287 3797 6037 704
Investment trusts and private equity funds1 2941 2951 3741 472
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds3 2833 0573 0643 041
Life insurance companies and pension funds300261246246
Non-life insurance companies89998181
General government........
Central government........
Local government........
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Non-profit institutions serving households........
Unincorporated enterprises within households........
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises inclusive housing cooperatives etc.........
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc.........
Unspecified sector11..32
Rest of the world90 45487 90587 96271 715
General government, abroad........
Banks and financial institutions, abroad75 86673 97073 94558 298
Non-financial corporations and households, abroad14 58813 93614 01713 417
Changes in exchange rates, prices and value-1 377-1 554-1 403-755