
Final consumption expenditure. Current prices. NOK million1
1Figures for the final year are preliminary.
Total1 642 4921 712 1011 795 3051 885 2371 971 9802 061 748
Final consumption expenditure of households and NPISHs11 087 1571 124 9531 176 4091 232 9001 280 4751 334 918
Final consumption expenditure of households1 038 3511 072 2951 121 0811 173 9711 218 7981 269 462
Final consumption expenditures of NPISH148 80652 65855 32858 92961 67765 455
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen555 335587 148618 896652 337691 505726 830
Final consumption expenditures of central government281 366296 207310 262324 740347 702369 250
Central government, individual157 191166 234175 452182 599195 749210 509
Central government, collective124 175129 973134 810142 141151 953158 742
Central government, defence37 89438 27039 42340 58142 20143 239
Final consumption of local government273 969290 941308 634327 597343 804357 580
Local government, individual218 942232 283245 762262 013273 757283 100
Local government, collective55 02758 65862 87265 58470 04774 480
Actual individual consumption1 463 2901 523 4701 597 6231 677 5121 749 9801 828 526
Actual collective consumption179 202188 631197 682207 725222 000233 222