
Participation in political discussions prior to the election, by sex, age, level of education and voted/not voted (per cent)
Discussed the election with family, friends or acquantances weekly or more oftenTried to convince someone to vote for a particular partyA friend, family member, neighbour etc tried to convince one to vote for
TotalVoted in the electionDid not vote in the electionTotalVoted in the electionDid not vote in the electionTotalVoted in the electionDid not vote in the election
Both sexes465926182311242622
18-19 years395326222915495544
20-24 years366121212916353636
25-44 years415725172310283124
45-66 years506229192312222417
67-79 years5459271721115168
80 years or older3944:1410:711:
Below upper secondary level395326202912283325
Upper secondary education425524171912232322
Tertiary education566732192310232419
Immigrant category
Norwegian citizens with no immigrant background48602818229232520
Norwegian citizens, immigrants324524303627363835
Norwegian citizens, Norwegian-born to immigrant parents384931263719464646
Foreign citizens345921162411253123
Size of municipality22
0 - 1 999 inhabitants3344315184283027
2 000 - 4 999 inhabitants475925212611262923
5 000 - 9 999 inhabitants486127162010222321
10 000 - 19 999 inhabitants42542717246222518
20 000 - 29 999 inhabitants466024172011242719
30 000 - 49 999 inhabitants466125172210212417
50 000 - 299 999 inhabitants466326212415262626
300 000 inhabitants or more495732192212262626