
Personal votes, by sex, age and level of education (per cent)
Gave personal votes for one or more canditatesSelect candatates from other listsThe candidate's point of view on important issues influenced decisionThe candidate's experience in local politics influenced decisionThe candidate's place of residence influenced decisionThe candidate's gender influenced decisionThe candidate's ethnic or country background influenced decisionThe candidate's performance in the media influenced decisionPersonal knowledge of the candidate
Both sexes421470643317266757
18-19 years571768584217226058
20-24 years552075572815147240
25-44 years501566583514226053
45-66 years411371673416286961
67-79 years341372693024337259
80 years or older54:::::::
Below upper secondary level431271634116366748
Upper secondary education431571693516317160
Tertiary education401367592718176258
Immigrant category
Norwegian citizens with no immigrant background411469643216266757
Norwegian citizens, immigrants531773755529376858
Norwegian citizens, Norwegian-born to immigrant parents582376684022285951
Foreign citizens461769623317296049
Size of municipality
0 - 1 999 inhabitants66177971437446282
2 000 - 4 999 inhabitants592477674019237169
5 000 - 9 999 inhabitants521973714115236571
10 000 - 19 999 inhabitants451873754215307367
20 000 - 29 999 inhabitants401172672716247156
30 000 - 49 999 inhabitants331371582814205749
50 000 - 299 999 inhabitants331062542816276145
300 000 inhabitants or more40866603025307246