
Number of respondents in the survey, by sex, age, level of education, innigrant category, zize of municipality and voted/not voted
Both sexesMalesFemales
TotalVoted in the electionDid not vote in the electionTotalVoted in the electionDid not vote in the electionTotalVoted in the electionDid not vote in the election
Years, total6 2753 6252 6503 1411 7321 3963 1511 8931 254
18-19 years526310216231129102295181114
20-24 years3761732031707199206102104
25-44 years2 7121 3191 3931 3246227021 388697691
45-66 years2 1261 3847421 148710438978674304
67-79 years465390752251784724021228
80 years or older70492130228402713
Below upper secondary level1 538792746762363399776429347
Upper secondary education1 9681 0639051 082554528886509377
Tertiary education2 7691 7709991 2848154691 485955530
Immigrant category
Norwegian citizens with no immigrant background2 0711 5764951 0117462651 060830230
Norwegian citizens, immigrants1 8461 029817912510402934519415
Norwegian citizens, Norwegian-born to immigrant parents29516113413881571578077
Foreign citizens2 0638591 2041 067395672996464532
Size of municipality
0 - 1 999 inhabitants996732::::::
2 000 - 4 999 inhabitants331196135::::::
5 000 - 9 999 inhabitants527317210::::::
10 000 - 19 999 inhabitants776443333::::::
20 000 - 29 999 inhabitants711436275::::::
30 000 - 49 999 inhabitants579301278::::::
50 000 - 299 999 inhabitants1 8251 026799::::::
300 000 inhabitants or more1 427839588::::::