
Level of education for Norwegian-born with immigrant parents 16 years and older. Sex and field of education. Numbers1
TotalBasic school levelUpper secondary education2Higher education, short3Higher education, long4Unknown or no completed education1
1For many immigrants SSB has no information about their level of education. 2014 figures includes an estimated level of education for missing values for these immigrants. For more information see About the statistics.
2Including the level 'Intermediate level' which comprises education based on completed upper secondary level, but which are not accredited as tertiary education.
3Higher education, short comprises higher education up to 4 years in duration.
4Higher education, long comprises higher education more than 4 years in duration.
Total42 88218 44912 7587 2882 9951 392
General programmes25 90118 4447 4561-..
Humanities and arts1 122-382567173..
Social sciences and law1 469-208823438..
Business and administration3 329-8851 997447..
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects3 75431 8691 257625..
Health, welfare and sport4 28111 4281 6601 192..
Primary industries62-5147..
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services624-45715512..
Unspecified field of study1 51011873261 392
Males22 06110 4356 3623 0841 474706
General programmes13 96710 4323 535--..
Humanities and arts381-11418780..
Social sciences and law550-105291154..
Business and administration1 619-3231 050246..
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects3 10011 752909438..
Health, welfare and sport1 1321312315504..
Primary industries41-3614..
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services309-17712210..
Unspecified field of study759172817706
Females20 8218 0146 3964 2041 521686
General programmes11 9348 0123 9211-..
Humanities and arts741-26838093..
Social sciences and law919-103532284..
Business and administration1 710-562947201..
Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects6542117348187..
Health, welfare and sport3 149-1 1161 345688..
Primary industries21-1533..
Transport and communications, safety and security and other services315-280332..
Unspecified field of study751-11459686