
Mortgage companies. Balance sheet. NOK million
March 2016April 2016May 2016June 2016
Notes and divisionary coin0000
Loans to and claims on financial institutions62 58367 25952 42353 176
Loans to and claims on customers1 567 1691 572 4081 585 6871 604 522
Certificates and bonds216 763218 165205 355226 781
Shares, equity capital certificate e.g.373353565
Financial derivatives152 373133 203139 611144 975
Intangible assets529505618630
Durable operating equipment20252424
Other assets10 61410 73810 2869 457
Total assets2 010 4242 002 3401 994 0392 039 631
Deposits from financial institutions........
Deposits from customers........
Certificate and bond debt1 486 8351 495 7791 488 4621 510 727
Other loans298 384282 413291 105317 030
Financial derivatives62 27163 36048 83245 769
Other liabilities34 91136 75841 80937 295
Subordinated loan capital12 13112 14212 32212 870
Total liabilities1 894 5321 890 4521 882 5301 923 690
Share and owner share capital31 83331 83332 33333 478
Other paid in equity (share premium account etc.)44 30944 31145 21248 158
Earned equity capital37 54133 21831 94831 829
Undistributed profit2 2092 5252 0172 475
Total equity115 892111 887111 510115 940
Total liabilities and equity2 010 4242 002 3401 994 0392 039 631