
Registered unemployed, by region of birth and time of residence in Norway. Absolute figures and in per cent of persons in total aged 15-74 years in each group1
2nd quarter 20152nd quarter 2016
TotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and moreTotalSettled 4 years and lessSettled 4-6 yearsSettled 7 years and more
1Note that persons used as denominator give a slightly lower level of unemployed compared to percentages based on the the labour force.
2Turkey is included.
Absolute figures
Immigrants, total29 2886 7347 41115 14330 2706 0007 61016 660
The Nordic countries1 5313683927711 508298338872
Western Europe else1 6744573748431 879483398998
EU countries in Eastern Europe10 5963 8543 5843 15810 8423 3473 7493 746
Eastern Europe else2 3394013471 5912 4393803501 709
North-America and Oceania22938391522133031152
Asia27 8188411 5115 4668 0468061 3975 843
Africa4 1255969942 5354 2704941 1442 632
South- and Central-Amerika9761791706271 073162203708
Per cent
Immigrants, total4.
The Nordic countries2.
Western Europe else2.
EU countries in Eastern Europe6.
Eastern Europe else4.
North-America and Oceania2.
South- and Central-Amerika4.