
Debt securities issued in Norway, by borrowing sectors and remaining maturity. Outstanding amounts at face value (NOK million)
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Original maturity
Outstanding amounts in total from debt securities issued in Norway98 91689 908506 459714 455527 94937 6031 975 290
Non-financial corporations19 9923 858103 576103 00149 0945 640285 161
Banks2 7254 061155 475117 27923 71318 250321 503
Other financial corporations3 6214 90071 508350 75554 5729 490494 846
Central government and social security funds20 00068 0000.377 207.465 207
Local government52 2249 01834 10135 6018 516436139 896
Non-profit institutions serving households
Rest of the world35471141 799107 81914 8473 787268 677
Remaining maturity
Outstanding amounts in total from debt securities issued in Norway447 060260 104847 976353 46334 28732 3991 975 289
Non-financial corporations58 81642 675110 23157 95113 6901 798285 161
Banks63 99169 901133 83435 28740018 089321 502
Other financial corporations49 85279 826284 00053 52218 4579 190494 847
Central government and social security funds151 2070147 000167 000..465 207
Local government77 09914 94027 83418 2831 740.139 896
Non-profit institutions serving households00....0
Rest of the world46 09652 763145 07721 419.3 322268 677