
Employees aged 15-66 with disabilities, by adaptations of their work, and whether the disability occurred before or after they started in their current job. 1000
2nd quarter 2016
TotalBefore job startAfter job startUnspecified
1Some persons have got adaptations at more than one field, and therefore the figures do not sum up to the number of employees.
Both sexes
Employees total2611561015
No adaptation11676392
Have got one or more adaptations114279612
Changes of work tasks7339322
Changes of working time6434291
Physical adaptations of workplace8547371
Employees total12777463
No adaptation6441221
Have got one or more adaptations16136241
Changes of work tasks3317141
Changes of working time211110-
Physical adaptations of workplace3822151
Employees total13478552
No adaptation533517-
Have got one or more adaptations18143371
Changes of work tasks4122181
Changes of working time4323201
Physical adaptations of workplace4725221