
Number of enterprises, by economic activity and size groups
Total number of enterprises0 persons employed1-4 persons employed5-9 persons employed10-19 persons employed20-49 persons employed50-99 persons employed100-249 persons employed250 and more persons employed
All industries441 510147 535236 88728 31815 9108 5562 2731 303728
Agriculture, forestry and fishing70 06419 73149 1018412758717102
Mining and quarrying1 115332437826680343450
Manufacturing17 0084 3747 8381 6861 3031 041394248124
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply1 11354927257748641268
Water supply1 1554354649280561576
Construction55 11814 23431 7574 5152 7651 40328811244
Wholesale and retail trade50 35311 81924 2367 7854 1301 638379216150
Transportation and storage21 0583 63113 9801 8808054491527982
Accommodation and food service activities11 2941 6115 3092 1041 3696831266428
Information and communication15 4906 3467 0308485684241399738
Financial and insurance activities13 50612 124812179136136484328
Real estate activities48 39837 31010 120662217621962
Professional, scientific and technical activities44 56316 29524 0912 2421 1555191497636
Administrative and support service activities18 5307 1368 6091 16573648719613665
Public administration and defence..................
Education6 749155 83638923620846172
Human health and social work activities27 7891023 4871 9621 2318241409639
Arts, entertainment and recreation22 5478 19113 24054333018935109
Other service activities15 0233 1149 9341 270427183542615
Activities of household as employers26026000000
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies350161251100