
Monetary aggregate M3, by financial instrument. NOK million
May 2016June 2016July 2016August 2016
Notes and coins45 18745 75745 81145 327
Transaction deposits1 723 6201 809 0321 806 8141 780 783
M1 Total1 768 8071 854 7891 852 6261 826 110
Other deposits159 395159 309168 608171 198
M2 Total1 928 2012 014 0982 021 2341 997 308
Certificates and bonds8 5708 1448 4188 134
Repurchase agreements363324398281
M3 Total1 937 1342 022 5662 030 0502 005 723
-M3: In foreign exchange93 94398 487106 541109 868