
Investments. NOK million1
Estimates collected in Q4 the same year
2016 / 201520152016
1Values at current prices
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec-12.1248 864218 770
Extraction and pipeline transport-17.2204 297169 129
Manufacturing9.420 04021 923
Mining and quarrying-36.0930595
Electricity, gas and steam14.923 59727 123
Estimates collected in Q4 the previous year
2017 / 201620162017
Extraction, pipeline, mining, manuf. and elec-13.5227 596196 832
Extraction and pipeline transport-18.2179 204146 643
Manufacturing-14.521 05217 992
Mining and quarrying-18.0710582
Electricity, gas and steam18.726 63031 616